Soil Regeneration Related – Videos and Articles

  1. Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years | W. C. Lowdermilk (paper, 1 hour)
  2. Excerpt from “Hope in a Changing Climate” | John D. Liu (video, 15 min)
  3. How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory (video 18 min)
  4. 75% of Earth’s Land Areas Are Degraded | National Geographic (report, 10 min)
  5. Why Communities Should Invest in Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Sponge. | Didi Pershouse (document, 10 min)
  6. How Wolves Change Rivers | Sustainable Human (video, 15 min)
  7. Regenerative Culture | Finian Makepeace | TEDxSantaCruz (video, 14 min)
  8. Soil Wealth: Investing in Regenerative Agriculture across Asset Classes | Christi Electris, Joshua Humphreys, Kristin Lang, David LaZaks, and Jaime Silverstein (report, 1 hour)
  9. Microbial activity in dry soils: Fungi awake bacteria from their slumber | AHABC (article, 2 min)
  10. Emergence of the Mechanical Mind and Its Dire Implications | Chelsea Green Publishing (excerpt, 4 min)
  11. Culture Burning | KCET (video, 18 min)
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