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  1. Natural sequence farming: How Peter Andrews rejuvenates drought-struck land | Australian Story | ABC News (video, 20 min)
  2. Water and climate change : let’s adapt ! | Sauvons l’eau (video, 4 min)
  3. The Rain-Making Bacteria | Jay Hardy (article, 4 min)
  4. The Biotic Pump: How Forests Create Rain | Jimi Sol (video, 3 min)
  5. Partnering With Beaver: Nature’s Hydrologists and Ecosystem Engineers | Utah State University (video, 5 min)
  6. How does soil health affect water availability? | Kiss the Ground (video, 2 min)
  7. Natural sequence farming: How Peter Andrews rejuvenates drought-struck land | Australian Story | ABC News (video, 29 min)
  8. GFE 2017 – Abe Collins ‘Tools for Deep Topsoil Watersheds’ | Grassfed Exchange (video, 25 min)
  9. Water Gandhi | Maulik Sisodia (video 13 min)
  10. Climate Change: the New Water Paradigm | Jimi Sol (video, 3 min)
  11. Leaky weirs and landscape rehydration | Grow Love Project (video, 4 min)
  12. How Things Work : How Do Water Springs Work? | eHow (video, 5 min)
  13. Rehydrating the Earth: A New Paradigm For Water Management | Richard Widows (article, 10 min)
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