Why is Healthy Soil Important?

Healthy soils can contain an abundance of life in them. A single gram of healthy soil can contain 500 million microorganisms consisting of algae, fungi, bacteria, protozoans, nematodes and a long list of others. As these microorganisms live and die throughout the year they leave behind beneficial organic matter through their decomposition, chelating the soil minerals for plant use, and fight plant disease and pest insects, and improve the soil structure. A healthy soil microorganism population can add up to 300 pounds of nitrogen per year per acre back to the plants.

The large amount of salts in chemical fertilizers destroy soil life. Plants/Grasses existing only on chemical fertilizers require more and more pesticides as the plants/grasses cannot build natural immunities. Chemical fertilizers only sustain plant growth and bypass the natural process the soil has to offer.

Avoid the use of soil applied insecticides, herbicides and fungicides whenever possible as these agents are poisons often with long residuals that destroy soil life and weaken the entire system.

For a well managed soil system we must constantly add organic matter as a food source for the microorganisms to improve the soil health and structure. Organic fertility products and practices will help improve your soil, increase yields, reduce costs, promote health, beauty and provide for a safer and sounder future.

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